Our company

GeoData Services offers high quality solutions for customers with geoinformation database requirements in the following areas:

  •  utilities, agriculture, landuse and territorial planning, and other professions,
  • quality management and process controlling,
  • remote sensing/Earth observation.

Our purpose is to develop such advanced technologies and solution for our professional customers that they can use their data in a more efficient way and at a higher technological level.

For several years we perform our services according to ISO-9000 and IT-security standards.

Being in partnership with PCI, EUSI and SIIS the latest technology and development solutions are built into our projects.

GeoData Services is a member of the Hungarian Space Cluster (HUNSPACE), the Hunagi (Hungarian Association for Geoinformation) and the IHK (Industrie- und Handelskammer für Rheinhessen).


Péter Hargitai

Managing Director

Gábor Füstös

Management, GIS

Ildikó Márkus

Management, EO

Zsuzsa Seres

Senior Assistant, Utilities

Andrea Kocsis

Administrative Assistant

Katalin Kővári

Administrative Assistant

Zsuzsa Kapetz

Administrative Assistant

Ferenc Czermann

Senior Assistant

László Németh

Senior Assistant.


Péter Bratu
Ákos Csutorás
Botond Fuller
Ágnes Gyömörey
Dániel Priskin
Áron Szremkó
Balázs Tegez
Renáta Török
Nándor Zaja
Dávid Zakar

Working environment