Remote Sensing and Earth Observation
Quality Control
Utilities and other database services
Remote Sensing and Earth Observation
- Control of area-related agricultural subsidies (area aids) with remote sensing (CwRS) and on-the-spot checks, Germany
- Brandenburg
- Saarland
- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- Sachsen-Anhalt
- Sachsen
- Update of the German Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS), Germany
- Sachsen-Anhalt
- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- Automated detection of „NON-VEG” fields (areas without vegetation) on the basis of satellite imagery and RPAs („Referenz-Pflegeaufträge”), under the update and maintenance of agricultural areas database, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
- EO-based evaluation of selected corn-covered fields from 2017-2018, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
- „Adaptation of European image information mining for the requirements of organic and ecologic farming in the EU” – Preparatory Activity, ESA
- „Optimising EO Image Information for Agricultural Control Needs with European Data Sources” – Preparatory Activity, ESA
- REMEDI: Recycling resource management with earth observation decision-support information, Hungary
- Pilot of the monitoring of vegetation, E.On, Hungary
- Agricultural Biomass Monitoring – applied research, EUREKA
- Eart Observation Knowledge and Technology Dissemination in Hungary, ESA-PECS
- Topographic database for Lybian territories by remote sensing data, ER Petro, Libya
- Control with Remote Sensing (CwRS) in Austria, AgrarMarkt, Austria
- LPIS database buildings, Mecklenburg-Vorp., Germany
- Digital topographic database DTA-50, Military Mapping Institute, Hungary
- Update technology of topographic database, FÖMI, Hungary
Quality Control
- Digitalising and integrating electricity and telecommunication network, Mainz, Germany
- Quality control of low voltage electricity network and electric shock protection database, E.ON, Hungary
- Quality control of digital database of gas network in South Danube Region, E.ON, Hungary
- Quality control of registering security zones of electric wires , ELMŰ-ÉMÁSZ, Hungary
- Quality control Remote Sensing Control of agriculture subsidies in Romania, Apia Development Agency, Romania
- Quality control of topographic database, KMS Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen, Denmark
- Quality control of digital conversion of electricity network, Stadtwerke, Mainz, Germany
Utilities and other database services
- Telecommunications data building, data publishing and change management to comply with e-utility regulations, ELMŰ-, ÉMÁSZ Hálózati Kft.
- „EO.TAG – Demonstrating EO image information mining solutions in mobile imaging domain” R&D project, ESA BIC Hungary
- Measuring and evaluating telecommunications networks on joint poles, documentation of results, ELMŰ-, ÉMÁSZ Hálózati Kft.
- House connection and address database correction of EEGIS, ELMŰ, ÉMÁSZ, Hungary
- Digital database building of territorial planning for building monitoring, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Hungary
- Digitising and integrating electricity and telecommunication network, Mainz, Germany
- Update of 1:25000 topographic database, Hungarian Military Mapping Institute, Hungary
- Digital conversion of low voltage network in in Region Sárospatak, ÉMÁSZ NyRt., Hungary
- Utility database plan for Motorway M6, Unitef’83 Rt., Hungary
- Digital cadastre, Újbuda, Hungary
- Building of 1 : 10000 topographic elevation database , FÖMI, Hungary
- Correction of cadastral GBKN data-kadaster, The Netherlands