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Framework contract for the implementation of the EU quality test in the LPIS database in Brandenburg

September 2024

GeoAdat Ltd. has signed a six-year framework contract with the Brandenburg Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection for the EU quality control of the LPIS agricultural parcel database.

In the project, we will perform georeferencing and orthorectification of aerial photographs and/or VHR satellite images used as reference for the evaluation, as well as test processing of the selected reference parcels. The results of the statistical checks will be provided to the client in XML format in January of the year following the year checked.

 To perform the test, we use our company’s technology developed for the analysis of aerial/VHR imagery and our many years of experience in the maintenance and verification of LPIS databases in Germany.

Biotope project for Saxony-Anhalt

April, 2024

GeoData Services has been awarded the EU tender for “Comprehensive updating of biotope type and usage type mapping” for the state of Saxony-Anhalt.

The task is to update the existing map biotope database from 2009 using the aerial photos from 2021-2023 across the entire state (5,465 tiles/Kacheln, which covers 20,452 km 2 ) and to develop the required technology for this update.

The processing is supported by a partially automated development designed for workflows. With its help, the changes between the two states are filtered out by examining the contents of the aerial images and the database (polygons, lines, points) and then transferred to the new database.

Thanks to the technology, the processing is more precise and consistent in terms of content. The new and updated data are entered in accordance with the biotope specifications after checking the content and form. The final database is considered accepted after the customer’s final inspection.

Quality Assurance Planning for Large-scale Network Data Migration

5, February 2024

GeoAdat Ltd. has been awarded a third-party quality assurance contract to provide quality assurance support for the network registration system and the migration of the entire masterdata of E.ON utility companies, and to prepare a quality assurance system plan.

A basic requirement for implementation is knowledge of network elements at the data model level and a qualitative approach to analysis. The overall objective of quality assurance is to increase the efficiency and reliability of implementation, to reduce lead times and to reduce costs.

Provision of Base Map Data for Network Inventory Systems

6, december 2023

An up-to-date base map register is an indispensable part of the network registration tasks of utility operators.

The base map data is used to build a GIS base database and an address database qualified by manual and automatic procedures. The result is an up-to-date base map register with real data, which supports the productivity and data quality efficiency of day-to-day change management activities, the planning of maintenance tasks, and the provision of authentic data for analysis and queries.

Reference: ELMŰ Network Ltd.


November 2023

Thanks to the good cooperation over the last 6 years and the quality of the service provided so far, GeoAdat Ltd. has again won the tender “Maintenance of the LPIS (Land Parcel Identification System)”, which was launched by the Ministry of Climate, Agriculture, Rural Areas and Environment of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania for another 6 years in 2023.

The project, which will start in 2024, involves data maintenance of the LPIS. Linked to the LaFIS-LFK system of the German Ministry, more than 420,000 reference parcels (land block, landscape plot, ineligible area) of almost one and a half million hectares of land will be checked at least twice over 6 years.

The project will be carried out by experienced colleagues with a solid background in geoinformatics, cartography and remote sensing, thus ensuring the usual reliable work of GeoData Services Ltd.

Extract from the map data to be checked in the LaFIS-LFK system